AMIA 2015 Year in Review Files and Presentation
This page contains information about the 2015 Clinical Research Informatics (CRI) Year-In-Review session that I conducted at the conclusion of the 2015 AMIA Joint Summits on Translational Science. Background information, Files, and Bibliographic details are listed below, as is the slide presentation.
As with the other sessions, the items presented this year are ultimately selected by the presenter using an informal process, do not represent a systematic or comprehensive review, and certainly do not represent an organizational statement nor position of AMIA. I hope you find this useful. Below is information on this year’s session. Details of search methodology:
Based on the above methodology, 99 CRI-relevant articles emerged, and from those I selected the following 42 articles as notable contributions to the CRI literature over the past 1+ years that I discussed during the presentation. |
Presentation |