AMIA 2012 Year in Review Files and Presentation
This page contains information about the 2012 Clinical Research Informatics (CRI) Year-In-Review session that I conducted at the conclusion of the 2012 AMIA Joint Summits on Translational Science. Background information, Files, and Bibliographic details are listed below, as is the slide presentation.
Background: As with the other sessions, the items presented this year are ultimately selected by the presenter using an informal process, do not represent a systematic or comprehensive review, and certainly do not represent an organizational statement nor position of AMIA. I hope you find this useful. Below is information on this year’s session. Details of search methodology:
Based on the above methodology, 104 CRI-relevant articles emerged, 77 were selected as semi-finalists, and from those I finally selected the following 33 articles as notable contributions to the CRI literature over the past 1+ years. These 33 (as well as 3 additional ones at the bottom) are the ones that I discussed during the presentation. Links to the main (33+3) and extended (77) bibliographies are provided via links below. Main Bibliography - 2012 CRI Year-in-Review (Organized by Category): Clinical Data Re-Use for Research
Data/Knowledge Management and Discovery:
Researcher Support & Infrastructure:
Participant Recruitment:
Consumer/Patient Engagement in CRI:
Policy and Fiscal Relevant to CRI:
Other articles mentioned under notable events: